Thursday, November 22, 2018

Post 6 A post graduate studies

Hi again bloggers! Today the topic to write about is the post graduate studies.

Really, I want to go somewhere to do a Master or a Postgraduate, I don’t know where, maybe I can go to New Zealand, or Sweden, but the thing is that I have de energy and the encouragement to do it.

Another thing completely different to “where I could go to begin my post graduate studies” it’s:

 “What I ‘am going to study? Which way I will take?”

I have been thinking about it but it’s too early, (at least for me), to take a decision of what kind of major, master or postgraduate certificate I want for myself.

 I think the topic of solar energy systems are very interesting to present. I would like to discover a more effective and efficient way of take advantage from the solar energy. Also the topic of environmental politics sounds very attractive for me.

I think if I take the opportunity of begin a postgraduate studies I would prefer to take a full time course and also work in a job that no demands much amounts of my time when I ‘am at home.

That’s all for now bloggers, hope you be fine and see you soon!

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